Determining the Development Potential of a basic R-2 zoned property

Compute the Development Potential of a lot using the Development Controls under Rules VII and VIII of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of the PD 1096 or the NBCP.

A young couple, former OFWs, has decided that their basic R-2 zoned property, with a Total Lot Area (TLA) of 96 sqm and located in Quezon City, shall host their dream house
The Project Site. 
The Project Site is a corner lot, with a 9.60-meter wide frontage facing south
The Project Site uniformly slopes at 0% towards the south with a 12-meter wide street, i.e. the road-right of way (RROW) that is relatively flat and which has 2.0-m wide sidewalks (which includes a 0.80-m wide planting strip) at both sides. The surface at the center of the Project Site frontage at south side is considered as elevation 0.0-m. The west side of the lot is also bounded by another 12-meter wide street.

A. What is the Development Potential of the Project, if the building shall have NO firewall?
1. What is the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
2. What is the allowable maximum Percentage of Site Occupancy (max PSO) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
3. What is the resultant allowable minimum Total Open Space within Lot (min TOSL) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
4. As per Table VIII.G.6, what is the allowable minimum Total Open Space within Lot (min TOSL) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
5. What is the allowable minimum Unpaved Surface Area (min USA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
6. What is the allowable maximum Impervious Surface Area (max ISA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
7. What is the Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
8. What is the allowable maximum Gross Floor Area (max GFA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
9. Based on Table VII.1, what is the allowable maximum Total Gross Floor Area (max TGFA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?
10. Based on the allowable maximum GFA, what is the allowable maximum Total Gross Floor Area (max TGFA) for the Project, if the building shall have no firewall?

B. What is the Development Potential of the Project, if the building shall have a firewall?
1. What is the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) for the Project?
2. What is the allowable maximum Percentage of Site Occupancy (max PSO) for the Project?
3. What is the resultant allowable minimum Total Open Space within Lot (min TOSL) for the Project?
4. As per Table VIII.G.6, what is the allowable minimum Total Open Space within Lot (min TOSL) for the Project?
5. What is the allowable minimum Unpaved Surface Area (min USA) for the Project?
6. What is the allowable maximum Impervious Surface Area (max ISA) for the Project?
7. What is the Maximum Allowable Construction Area (MACA) for the Project?
8. What is the allowable maximum Gross Floor Area (max GFA) for the Project?
9. Based on Table VII.1, what is the allowable maximum Total Gross Floor Area (max TGFA) for the Project?
10. Based on the allowable maximum GFA, what is the allowable maximum Total Gross Floor Area (max TGFA) for the Project?

Compute the values of the Development Controls as mentioned above BEFORE watching the video below.

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