Here is a sample quiz on Architectural Design and Site Planning (ADSP) pertaining to Rules 7 & 8 of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR) of the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP) which is given on Day 2 of the Licensure Examination for Architects (LEA). The quiz includes computation for the AMBF (Allowable Maximum Building Footprint), maximum PSO (Percentage of Site Occupancy), minimum TOSL (Total Open Space within Lot), minimum USA (Unpaved Surface Area), maximum ISA (Impervious Surface Area), maximum GFA (Gross Floor Area), maximum TGFA (Total Gross Floor Area) and AMVB (Allowable Maximum Volume of Building).
Each time you take the quiz, there will be different questions appearing. Enjoy!!! (pls. do not repost in any social media the contents of this quiz)
PASSWORD: atlascped
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